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Better cameras, faster performance and new AR apps. Apple iPad with Retina Display. BlackBerry Bold Hands-On. Looks like there are no reviews yet, be the first to write one now. I just hope the phone is released soon enough to allow me time to let it come down a tad in price.
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BlackBerry Bold reviews, BlackBerry Bold price, BlackBerry Bold specs. Everything you need to know about the BlackBerry Bold at Wirefly. Jun 28, · If I recall correctly, when the launched on Rogers it was \9 on a 3-year contract. As late as August when I bought my on Bell, I.
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The Blackberry bold has a " high-resolution touchscreen and full BlackBerry QWERTY keyboard, a 5MP camera and enhanced push-to-talk, walkie-talkie like. Aug 25, · Watch video · BlackBerry enthusiasts will love the BlackBerry Bold, but its high price tag will be a deterrent to samsungalaxypricephilippines. blogspot. com: $
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